
₹6,501 of ₹27,765 raised

Name – Sneha Prem Kumar Jha
Age – 16 Years old
Name of the School – SIWS College
Parent’s Name – Mamta Jha ( Single Parent)
Help Required – Rs.27,765/-

I, Sneha Prem Kumar Jha having a single parent residing in Sion Mumbai want to study and make me self-dependent. I only have a mother and no father. My mother has no permanent work and is running a family of three. I want to study higher and help my mother to run the family. I am already working side by side to fulfill the needs of my family and my studies but I cannot bear such a heavy college fee. Please support me in my studies.

1. Admission fees Rs. 200
2. Tuition fees Rs.15000
3. Term Fee Rs. 6565
4. E-Learning Rs. 1000
5. Books Rs.5000
6. Other fee Rs.0
7. Exam fee Rs.0
Total Rs. 27765

Thank you! Child Vision Foundation now requests you to help this meritorious student towards his valuable education kindly.

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Donation Total: ₹5,000.00 One Time